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Testosterone Mix

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Product Description

SOSTEN DEPO 300 is a premier Testosterone Mix blend designed to offer a balanced and sustained release of Testosterone Mix, combining Testosterone Mix Propionate, Testosterone Mix Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Mix Isocaproate, and Testosterone Mix Decanoate. With a 300mg/ml concentration, available in 10ml multidose vials and 1ml single dose ampoules, it meets the diverse needs of those seeking enhanced Testosterone Mix support.

Key Features

  • Fast and Extended Release: Integrates fast-acting and slower-releasing esters for quick and steady Testosterone Mix levels.

  • Anabolic and Androgenic Benefits: Supports significant muscle mass and strength gains.

  • Estrogen Conversion Control: Offers tolerable estrogen conversion effects.

  • Versatile Use: Suitable for bulking cycles and Testosterone Mix replacement therapy, including support for low Testosterone Mix symptoms.

Usage and Expectations

Indicated for adult men needing Testosterone Mix replacement for conditions caused by Testosterone Mix deficiency, SOSTEN DEPO 300 is essential for achieving strength and muscle mass gains, and improving symptoms of low Testosterone Mix levels.


SOSTEN DEPO 300 is an advanced Testosterone Mix blend catering to a wide range of needs, from muscle building to low Testosterone Mix level treatment. Its formulation ensures immediate and lasting support, positioning it as a valuable component of any Testosterone Mix therapy or bulking regimen.


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