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Methenolone Enanthate

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Pharmaceutical Name: PRIMOBOLONE 100

Chemical Name: Methenolone Enanthate

PRIMOBOLONE 100, featuring Methenolone Enanthate, is a distinguished anabolic steroid designed for athletes and bodybuilders aiming for quality muscle gains without the compromise of excessive water retention.

Benefits PRIMOBOLONE 100

  1. Muscle Gain: PRIMOBOLONE 100 is renowned for promoting lean muscle growth, ideal for a cut and defined look.
  2. Enhanced Endurance: Increases endurance levels, allowing for longer, more productive workouts.
  3. Low Androgenic Effects: With minimal androgenic side effects like acne and hair loss, it's a preferred choice, especially for female athletes.
  4. No Water Retention: Its inability to aromatize into estrogen means users can avoid bloating and achieve a hard, defined physique.


How to Use PRIMOBOLONE 100

For optimal results, PRIMOBOLONE 100 should be tailored to the user's experience, with men typically using 600-800 mg per week and women 50-100 mg. Stacking with testosterone and Anavar enhances muscle definition and strength, with a recommended cycle length of 8-12 weeks for men and 6-8 weeks for women.

Side Effects

PRIMOBOLONE 100 is well-tolerated when used responsibly. Potential side effects are minimal but can include mild androgenic effects such as acne and hair loss, though these are rare. It's known for a low impact on cholesterol levels and liver health, making it a safer option for long-term use.

Cycle Recommendations

Men's and women's cycles differ in duration and dosage, emphasizing the need for post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore natural hormone levels, especially for men. Women may require less intensive PCT, but monitoring is advised.



PRIMOBOLONE 100 stands out as a prime choice for athletes prioritizing quality over quantity in muscle gains, endurance, and overall physical performance. Its well-rounded profile makes it suitable for both men and women, providing a safer alternative to more aggressive anabolic steroids. 



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